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G I T A N J A L I  R A O

Animator | Filmmaker | Storyteller 
 Gitanjali Rao is a Bachelor of Fine Art from Sir J.J.Institute of Applied Art, Bombay. She learnt Animation and film making on the job. Her four independently produced animated shorts, Blue, Orange, Printed Rainbow, Chai and TrueLoveStory have been to over 150 International film festivals and received more than 30 awards. 
Painted frame by frame, Gitanjali’s films travel seamlessly between harsh urban reality and the dream world created by the psyche, to escape that reality. While her depiction of urban reality has a documentary style, the intricate dream worlds are inspired from the rich and varied folk art styles of India.
Her body of work includes animated commercials, pre-production for animated features, logo-motions, as well as graphic novels and illustrated stories. She is also an award winning actor on stage and in films.
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